Innovators and investors rely on EntityRisk to rapidly and accurately estimate the real-world value of new technologies and the risks surrounding them.
Our platform identifies opportunities and quantifies risks to help firms optimize pricing decisions, advance market access, improve evidence-generation investments, and correctly assess commercial value.
Learn about PROVEN™: our flexible, ML-enabled software platform powering faster, more rigorous decisions for Market Access, Pricing, HEOR, Commercial, and Business Development.

Why EntityRisk
What is the value of a new medical treatment? How will it work in the real world, on real patients? How will it compare to alternative emerging treatments? Uncertainty is inherent in life sciences innovation. EntityRisk develops cutting edge software that scales up our decades of leadership and expertise in quantifying uncertainty – and value – in healthcare.
Our PROVEN™ platform predicts, measures and articulates the value of new technologies in the real world, along with the risks to and opportunities for achieving optimal value

Tell a consistent story about value.
PROVEN™ digests and leverages clinical trial data, real-world data, financial data, and published estimates, to produce a single, optimized set of predictions for real-world outcomes and value.

Eliminate blind spots in your value proposition.
PROVEN™ automates generalized cost-effectiveness analysis, allowing the user to calculate value from multiple perspectives, from the broadest societal perspective to the most focused payer financial perspective.

Quantify risks and opportunities.
PROVEN™ fits and evaluates state-of-the art Bayesian machine learning models that generate probabilistic predictions, allowing flexible and detailed assessments of upside and downside risk.

Produce credible results quickly.
PROVEN™ accelerates the development of trusted mathematical disease models for evaluation of medical interventions.

Future-proof your scientific methods.
PROVEN™ seamlessly integrates cutting edge- scientific methods from a variety of domains, including Bayesian machine learning, generalized cost-effectiveness, and advanced mathematical simulation modeling.

Translate data into practical commercial insight.
PROVEN™ leverages a microsimulation engine to forecast revenues and cash flows under both traditional and novel outcomes-based or risk-based contracting structures, and under accounting rules tailored to your circumstances.
PROVEN™ Platform

Simulate the distribution of supportable “value-based” prices and cost-effectiveness outcomes using a broad range of value assessment frameworks to support engagement with reimbursement authorities and customers
Support go-to-market pricing and value-based care strategies; forecast and quantify the commercial revenue opportunity and downside risks under all efficacy and marketplace competition scenarios
Simulate the expected commercial opportunities and downside risks from alternative clinical and real-world evidence-generation strategies from Phase 2 through post-launch to optimize endpoint selection and evidence generation
Predict the likely distribution of real-world net prices for any given target product profile or efficacy scenario
Forecast the empirical distribution of real-world clinical effectiveness for pipeline candidates or newly launched medicines to support commercial decision making and/or customer engagement
Leverage software built by a team with world- class scientific, engineering and industry credentials.
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- by : EntityRisk
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- by : EntityRisk